GROUP 40 - Amy, Ella, Lloyd and Luci Music Video 2008/9: in depth ideas

Sunday 14 September 2008

in depth ideas

the song we are creating a video to is quite upbeat, after looking at the lyrics we think it is about a girl who is complaining about her boyfriend. we have had some initial ideas which were the live rockband section, and the food fight section.
we really wanted some live band action as we thought it would go nicely with the up beat song and we didnt want the whole thing to be narrative. we wanted it to be different and querky and thats when ella came up with the idea to use rock band and lloyd suggested it could then transform into a video game.
we didnt want it to get too boring or repetative so decided to intersperse the performance with a bit of a more abstract narrative. amy had a good idea of a food fight, thinking the bright colours and lots of people would suit the genre of song nicely. i said that the food fight should take place in a field because that way the large emptiness of the field with the confusion and business in the middle would reflect the character's (who is singing) mood. we think she should be in the middle of the cofusion again reflecting how she feels and just watching all the action. she will remain clean untill the end when it all hits her. all the characters will be wearing white clothes so that the bright food (colourd mash) will show up!



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