GROUP 40 - Amy, Ella, Lloyd and Luci Music Video 2008/9: The Pitch

Wednesday 10 September 2008

The Pitch

Summary Of Content

- Our initial and potential idea for out music video is to have two set pieces of footage.
One is a 'live' based footage of the band playing instruments, in beat to the music, the only thing that will make this different from other music videos is that the drums, base guitar, electric guitar and microphone will be the controllers of the video game 'rock band'. This takes place in a living room of an average persons home.
The second is the 'narrative', of which we have not decided on a specific idea. Yet the ideas we have come up with include the band members, or others, having fun, possibly having a food fight and or acting out of a story either related to the lyrics or not, we still need to have a closer look at the lyrics and if they tell a story.
We had the idea of including an 'action' sequence at the beginning of the video, this will be the band/ players of the game plugging in their individual controllers leading into the performance based footage. Another way to gradually move into the song could be an idea we had, to gather a large group of people to 'march' down a street with brass instruments, as the intro to the song, the bit with no lyrics is quite jazzy. We could then include this in the cut over footage from the 'live' footage to make it relevent, aswell as it being very fun to watch.

Related Videos

- Rockband

- Madcon - Beggin'

The way in which this video relates to our initial idea is that the artists are playing the video game and it cuts between them playing the game in reality to them physically in the game, in their sleep.
This could video could be watched as if separated into 3 different pieces of footage. 1st is the artists sitting in the two chairs with controllers in their hands and the 2nd is them physically in the game, giving a sort of serial effect. The 3rd also has this serial effect, with a colourful background and the artists and dancers all in unison dancing along to the music.
Another element that is similar to our initial idea is the opening, as it shows the game being played on the television from a players point of view.

This video uses Goodwin's six points well, as we can clearly indicate how each is used.

1.The Genre for this video is pop and the characteristics used to show this are colourful based backdrops and costumes, obvious characters and an upbeat/ catchy tune.

2.Visual/ Lyrics are presented amplified and illustrated using the video game footage to help portray extreme curcumstances that wouldn't happen in reality.

3.The relationship between the music and the visuals are made through dance performance cut into the video and the music has not been edited to the beat of the music as clearly as the dance fits the music, but it still is cut to the music at some times noticeable.

4.The need to sell the artists is used strongly in this video as the artists appear in all three types of footage. The artists sing to the camera and have close up shots of their faces for the audience to recognise their faces.

5.The intertextual references in this video is to video games, they made up a game based completely around their song. The lyrics in the chorus are a mixture of two languages.

6.Voyeurism is used subtly as the woman are wearing modest clothing. The two police women are dressed less appropriate then a police woman in reality, as they are wearing tight flattering shirts, sun glasses, inside, why?, and glamourized makeup.

Location ideas

This is Sussex Street in Cambridge and this is the kind of place where we were intending on shooting the 'marching'/ possible cut over footage. (the food fight would need to take place outside, not sure where yet though).

This image is an example of the type of place we are planning to shoot the rock band footage.
This image portrays an idea of where we want to have the food fight footage to take place.

Presentataion feedback

After presenting our ideas to the class we got a great response back from the class. Primarily the debate of copy right, in showing the game 'rock band' and the 'xbox 360', occurred but as long as we do not show footage from the game it will only be considered product placement.

After this the issue of the food fight came up, this was because it was unclear to the class how we are planning on shooting this footage. We would basically have a stump for the singer to be standing on singing her heart out, whilst everyone around her in a circle will be dancing around and throwing food around.

An alternative idea of having the food fight in a room with white paper on the walls was mentioned as the issue of weather would be a problem. The way that this would be an advantage is that we could show the splat of the colourful food more effectively, although we cannot find a place where there is a room available or big enough for us to cover in paper and throw food around.



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