GROUP 40 - Amy, Ella, Lloyd and Luci Music Video 2008/9: Picking The Song

Monday 1 September 2008

Picking The Song

When choosing the song we want to use for our music video we looked at 4 different aspects to help us chose, such as:

-and Pace

Genre - the genre would help us to imagine what kind of video to make, for example R&B tends to be story based.

Narrative - by listening to the lyrics we could hear a clear story/ narrative.

Lyrics - It is important to be able to hear the lyrics clearly, as this would make lip-sinking a lot easier. Also the lyrics tell a story of what the composer is trying to get through to his/hers audience.

Pace - by listening to the pace we are able to ditermine what kind of video to make for example, rave or story telling.

(name the other songs we got to chose from)
Then we listened to all 13 songs and noted them on all the above points.

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