The shooting day for creating the footage for the food fight was a long day as it meant that we had to make up all the food for everyone to throw at one another. Throughout the day we documented our progress in the form of images, taken on our personal hand held digital cameras and the cameras on our mobile phones. Here are just a few pictures from the day:

Here is the finish product of the food prep process. As you can see there are tubs full of custard, jelly, angel delight and cans of rice pudding, whipped cream and flan bases for 'cream cakes' that will later in the filming be thrown by us 'band members' at the 'singer', Amy. We have also got cherries to put on top for the finishing touch detail.

Here are some macro shots of the food that will be thrown in peoples faces. Here is custard that we made for everyone to throw at one another.

And this is angel delight. We made three different flavours so that we would have a variety of colours in the food-fight, we want the colours to show up clearly on the lab coats that people will be wearing to protect their clothes and show up the food clearly.

Whisking angel delight fun!

Testing that the whipped cream works.....

.... Because we wouldnt want to be unprepared now would we!

Yet another macro shot of the food we are going to be using. This one is a mixture of jellies, although once we had got the food to the site it melted a bit therefore was a little bit runny, but still usable.

After filming: rice pudding in the face, but they loved it!

After filming close up shots: Chocolate angel delight in the face, thank goodness for lab coats to protect everyone's clothes.

Fun times! We tried to keep the camera running as much as possible in case anyone did anything particularly hooligan-ish, for example walking around with tubs on there heads.

Lloyd got a bit hungry after having angel delight and jelly thrown all over him.


After we attacked Amy with the cream cakes, for the final shot of this section. Amy decided to get her revenge.
Overall the shooting of the footage went extremely well and we created lots of footage to use and therefore was very productive.
Labels: Ella