GROUP 40 - Amy, Ella, Lloyd and Luci Music Video 2008/9: choosing the song

Monday 15 September 2008

choosing the song

At the start of the lesson we were given a track list and had to decide in our groups which to choose.

  • i liked track 2 'whatever it is (i cant shake this)' by The Shivers. i liked it because it was an upbeat song with probably an acoustic/rock genre. me and amy thought that because of the quick pase it would be easy to create a video for.
  • Another good one would have been track 9 'tomorrow will be like today' by Money Mark which amy suggested was indie/pop genre. i enjoyed the song but also there was an interesting bit in it; there was a good music/lyric relationship where the lyrics are "everything stops" and at this point the music also stops. i thought this would be really good to create visuals for and you could be really creative deciding how to fit a storyline around it.
  • one track which we all agreed was not very good to use was track 1 'bass it up' by Kano. it was an 'RnB' rap like song. the song was very quick in places and the lyrics were hard to understand. we agreed straight away that it would be a very hard song to work with and create visuals for which would fit with it. not just that, we also had to take into consideration the fact that it would be really hard to lipsync with!

lloyd said we should vote for our favourite song. we all wrote down our top three and the one that we all had was '19-20-20' by The Grates. it is quite an indie song. fast and up beat which is better than a slow one, as amy pointed out, because it means we dont have to create visuals for absolutely all of the song. a slower pased song may require a more narrative driven video which we wanted to keep away from as it could become boring. even though it is fast the lyrics are still nice and distinguishable. the genre suggests alot of colours and we have some ideas already that were inspired by the sound of it, such as the food fight. we think it will be a good one to work with.

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